"Audit The ECB" Event


On Thursday, January 26th Leergeld.EU organized its first event. Jürgen Stark and Ivan Van de Cloot discussed the harmful effects of the European Central Bank's monetary policy on the Eurozone and Belgium. That same day, a campaign was launched under the name 'Audit the ECB' calling for greater transparency in the decision-making of the ECB and an independent study on the impact of monetary policy on banks, pension funds and the economy.

Introduction of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Stark by Prof. Dr. Bernd Lucke

Presentation on the consequences of the ECB policy by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Stark

Presentation of Leergeld.EU, launch of the 'Audit the ECB' campagin and introduction of Ivan Van de Cloot by Sander Loones

Presentation on the Consequences of ECB policy, in particular on markets and the insurance sector by Ivan van De Cloot

Q&A with Jürgen Stark, Ivan Van de Cloot, Bernd Lucke and Sander Loones